me envió las nuevas noticias de su web para el mes de Abril.
Informan que la nueva app Winx Sirenix Power esta ya siendo probada por algunos fans y si todo sale bien,
muy pronto estara disponible para todos!!
La actividad de esta semana en la web son 6 tarjetas para colorear y personalizar.
Positive Energy!
The website is LIVE and the NEW app - Winx Sirenix Power - is being tested by fans! Awesome progress!
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NEW Winx Sirenix Power APP!
Visit to sign up if you have not already. Follow PlayWinxClub on Facebook!
The NEW magical Winx Sirenix Power app is due to be released soon!!
Watch the sneak preview video and discover more about the game.
Magic Friendship Cards
This month it is my turn to spread some love and help you personalise your own Magic Friendship Cards. Print, color-in and decorate, to give to friends you care about.
There are 6 different messages to choose from. Everyone loves to feel loved, so why not make all 6? Watch the video and follow the step by step instructions. The best will be added to Magic Activities Gallery.
Love Bloom xxx
Fairy of the Dragon flame
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