En la web oficial Winx Club puedes hacer la nueva encuesta sobre ¿Cual es tu especialista ideal?.
Responde todas las preguntas y ¡descubre tu perfil!
The official Winx Club website has a new survey about What to do when it's raining outside?
Answer all questions and discover your profile!
You are an expert in:
A - Fashion
B - Gardening
C - Smartphones
The perfect Valentine's present:
A - A perfume
B - A painting made by yourself
C - A computer game
In your free-time you like:
A - Cooking lots of cakes
B - Having long walks
C - Playing board-games
In a group of boys you immediately notice:
A - The athletic one
B - The one with long hair
C - The one wearing glasses
You imagine a special afternoon:
A - In a royal palace
B - In a park
C - On a hot-air balloon

Majority of As: SKY
You are a dreamer and very romantic, your ideal Specialist is the gorgeous and brave prince Sky!
Majority of Bs: HELIA

Majority of Cs: TIMMY
You are super-clever, curious...you need a nice Specialist like Timmy!
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