In this post I share links to pre-order the new Winx Season 8 dolls that go on sale in September in Italy. Don't miss the opportunity to get your favorite doll!
The new episodes of the Winx Club 8 series are back on Rai Yoyo!
From Monday 29 July, every day, at 18:00, do not miss the new, cosmic adventures of your friends fairies. What are you waiting for?
Get ready for star missions, magical concerts and old enemies to defeat!
July 19, 2019
This is the "new look" will have the Enchantix transformation in the 2nd half of Winx Club Season 8. Who is your favorite? Share ...
WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.
Ciao Fatine! Un nuovo numero del magazine vi aspetta in edicola con le avventure della nuova serie Tv in onda tutti i giorni su Rai Yoyo! Troverete anche una sorpresa fatalosa: Kiko, il coniglietto di Bloom, con tanti accessori e la borsetta per portarlo sempre con voi!
L’estate è ormai arrivata ed è tempo di vacanze! Scoprite tutti i segreti per un look da spiaggia da vera fatina trendy e i consigli per lo sport estivo che fa per voi! E non perdete il nuovo fumetto “Gatti Stellari!”! Ecco le prime pagine in anteprima!
E in più con questo numero potete vincere una magica vacanza per tutta la famiglia in un Italy Family Hotels! Scoprite come partecipare al concorso cliccando qui!
July 14, 2019
Winx Club - TECNA BLOOMIX - Jakks Pacific 💜 Video Review
WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.
To celebrate the 15th anniversary of Winx, Colussi will be bringing to retail chocolate chip cookies in the shape of the magical fairies and other characters from the series.
Delicious - and perfect for a true fairy breackfast - these are 100% Italian biscuits, quality guaranteed, with fun shapes and attractive packaging that includes a cut-off character on the back.
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