Rocco Giocattoli will be the master toy distributor of the new Winx Club fashion doll collection in Italy . The brand new Winx fashion dol...

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.
Productos Winx
Five powers. One fate. At the Alfea International School, students come from all over the Otherworld to train. To learn magic. To discover h...

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.
Productos Winx
''Fate: The Winx Saga'' Book in English, Spanish, Italian and French
Los estudiantes del Otro Mundo acuden a la Escuela Internacional Alfea para formarse, aprender magia y descubrir cómo controlar sus poderes. Dentro del castillo del colegio, cinco alumnas que no se conocen de nada deberán compartir habitación.
AISHA es una chica atlética y superdotada, cuyo control sobre el agua es la envidia de sus compañeras.
TERRA es buena y algo torpe. Su influencia sobre el mundo natural deja boquiabiertos a sus rivales.
MUSA, una joven introvertida, se encierra en sí misma para que no la abrumen las emociones de los demás.
STELLA es una princesa ―de las de verdad― y su control sobre la luz inspira e intimida a partes iguales.
Luego está BLOOM, la forastera, procedente del mundo humano con un poder sobre el fuego que estuvo a punto de destruir a su familia.
De repente, cuando un antiguo mal resurge al otro lado de los muros del castillo, las cinco adolescentes descubrirán un secreto, tan poderoso, que pondrá en duda todo lo que saben del Otro Mundo e incluso de ellas mismas.
¡No te pierdas este libro basado en la nueva serie Destino: La Saga Winx
Editorial: RBA Molino
ISBN-13: 978-8427277960
Tapa blanda: 352 páginas
Edad de lectura: 14 años y más
Fecha de publicación: 25 febrero 2021
Editore: Mondadori
ISBN-13: 978-8804734710
Copertina flessibile: 296 pagine
Età di lettura: 10 anni e oltre
Data di pubblicazione: 2 febbraio 2021
Prezzo: €16,90
Bloom, Stella, Tecna, Musa, Flora et Layla sont six jeunes fées qui vivent dans la dimension magique et qui étudient à Alféa, l'école des fées. Elles doivent lutter contre les forces du mal pour défendre la dimension magique.
Editeur: Hachette Romans
ISBN-13: 978-2016285183
Broché: 360 pages
Date de publication: 3 mars 2021
Prix: 15,90€
Le Winx stanno passeggiando nel parco quando sentono dei rumori provenire da un cespuglio. Si avvicinano e... trovano due cuccioli magi...
![NEW WINX BOOK! - ''Due magici cuccioli per le Winx'' [Italy]](
WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.
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NEW WINX BOOK! - ''Due magici cuccioli per le Winx'' [Italy]
La mascherina arriverà all'interno di un'accattivante scatola e una sacca in stoffa per custodire la mascherina. Completamente ...
![Mascherina Kids con WINX COSMIX! [Italy]](
WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.
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Mascherina Kids con WINX COSMIX! [Italy]
Spinning Enchantix The collection is made up of Bloom, Flora and Stella Enchantix Season 8 version. The dolls have holographic wings. T...

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.
Productos Winx
Tantissime attività per vere fate! Giochi, idee fatate, test, magici fai da te e tanti adesivi: divertiti con questo libro, completa tutt...
![NEW BOOK - Winx Club Giochi per vere fate [Italy]](
WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.
Productos Winx
NEW BOOK - Winx Club Giochi per vere fate [Italy]
E' in edicola la nuova collezione Winx Magic Glitter, scopriamola insieme! Le sei magiche fatine Bloom, Flora, Stella, Tecna, Musa ...

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.
Productos Winx
Con il nuovo Crea la Moda divertitevi a creare tanti look fatalosi per le Winx! Include adesivi fashion, stampe fantasia e mascherine stenc...
![Winx Club 8 - Crea La Moda [Italy]](
WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.
Productos Winx
Fataloso! In edicola vi aspettano le Winx Cosmix: 6 magiche fatine che brillano al buio… che magia! Solo nel Winx Magazine n. 186 tr...

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.
Productos Winx
Winx Club - Scopriamo insieme la nuova collezione Winx Cosmix!
Correte in edicola e collezionatele tutte
Books go on sale on September 10. WINX CLUB - UN MAGICO VIAGGIO TRA LE STELLE Le Winx parteciperanno alla notte dei desideri sul pian...

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.
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📚 New Winx Season 8 books! 📚
This doll is a Special Edition to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Winx Club. Bloom wears a long blue dress with transparencies and pics...

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.
Productos Winx
In this post I share links to pre-order the new Winx Season 8 dolls that go on sale in September in Italy. Don't miss the opportunity t...

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.
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